INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, SCIENCE AND - Volume 6, Issue 8,, December 2017 (Special Issue)
Pages: 623-629
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Material Evaluation for Manufacturing Impeller Blade of a Steam Exhauster in Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Author: C. V. Gopinath? UppadaVenkataRamana??
Category: Engineering, Science and Mathematics
The Steel Melt Shop (SMS) of Visakhapatnam steel plant is one of the core departments. The steel plant's productivity is entirely dependent on the performance of the steel melt shop. The hot metal from 'Blast Furnace' is converted into semi-finished product (Blooms) in the 'Tundish Machines'. For proper solidification, water is sprinkled over the liquid steel through the mould. This process generates steam which has to be exhausted to the atmosphere using steam exhauster.
The steam exhauster is placed in the connecting pipe which connects the bunker where solidification takes place and the chimney. The impeller blades of the steam exhauster are of complex shape and are made of AISI 904 L materials. These are subjected to various thrust forces and vibrations which cause various damages.
The present project is to study these damages and analyze the impeller blades due to the static loads. The modeling of the impeller blade assembly is carried through CATIA V12 R18 using "Part Design" and "Wire frame and surface design" module. The solid model of the blade is then imported to ANSYS software where static analysis is carried out. Various pressure loads and different materials and design optimization are considered to analyze the blade in the project.
Keywords: Steam exhauster; Impeller; AISI 904L; Part Design; wire frame and Surface Design