International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
(IJMRA Publications)-
Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal


Pages: 1-11

Date of Publication: 01-Nov-2017


Author: S. Ravi Kumar1. , G.C.Rao2

Category: Engineering, Science and Mathematics

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From the definition of an ADL it can be observed that an ADL satisfies …..(*) but does not satisfy the dual of (*), namely Thus the lattice theoretic duality principle does not hold in ADLs.

In this paper, we introduce the concept of relative dual annihilators in an ADL and study some of their properties. Also, we define a relatively Dually Normal ADL and we characterize a Relatively Dually Normal ADL in terms of relative dual annihilators.

Keywords: AlmostDistributive Lattice(ADL); Relative dual annihilators; RelativelyDually Normal ADL